I don't roll joints and it's not often that I smoke one either however I am a big fan of the pre rolled joints that you can get in any of your local dispensaries. Typically the pre rolls are a full gram and are usually priced between five and eight dollars. The trick to pre rolls is not to light them. Instead open the tip and pour some in your bowl and you will find that you have several small sessions worth of weed left to get you through the day. The usual low price of pre rolled joints also allows you to sample multiple strains of cannabis without putting too much pressure on your pockets. If you are in the Denver area I recommend taking a look at https://www.cannasaver.com/ to find great deals and coupons on pre rolls and other cannabis related products.

The thing to remember about pre rolled joint is not to smoke them.
The third photo illustrates how much of this joint is left after smoking two bowls (possibly three but I don't remember). For the record this particular joint was a 1.5 gram Super Alien (hybrid) Kaviar https://www.kaviar.co/home brand joint that only weighed in at 34% for the twenty dollars it cost. Unfortunately they were out of moon rocks until tomorrow.
Back when I was a member at Native Roots in Frisco, Colorado every Monday was 'buy one get one free' pre rolls. Definitely my favorite special of the week as it allowed me to try lots of different chronic's that I had not sampled before. There was a limit of eight and with the special the one gram joints came to a total of three dollars each. I'll buy eight grams of weed for twenty four dollars all day long.
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